My Design Process

Discovery - Definition - Development - Delivery

Image detailing the double diamond design process. The graphic has a large grey circle with the title "Engagement" at the top and "Leadership" at the bottom. Two diamonds are touching in the centre of the circle with each bottom edge labelled discovery, definition, development, and delivery respectively. On the left of the circle is another label that says "challenge," and on the right is a label that says "outcome."Image Credits to The Design Council

Any designer can tell you that project timelines and schedules don't always go to plan, but to the best of my ability I use the Double Diamond Design Process as a guide in my work.

The idea is to widen our knowledge base and awareness and then narrow down our solutions using an empathy building and data-driven approach.

This process is presented here in a linear fashion, but realistically it's important to return to different phases throughout the duration of a Sprint or Project Timeline in order to validate ideas, systems, and deliverables.

My preferred tools are Figma, Webflow, paper, and a pen, but I'm always enthusiastic about learning new software and skills.


The discovery phase is for discovering more information to build context around the problem that needs to be fixed.


The Definition phase is for analyzing and drawing understanding from the collected data to find patterns, key details, and direction.


The development phase is for co-creating new data-driven solutions for the identified problem space. All potential solutions are viable and accepted for consideration at the first round of development.

After the first round of creation, designs should be tested against known constraints and potentially tested with ideal users. Results are used to continually improve upon the design.


The Delivery phase is a presentation to key stakeholders. No product or service is every fully "done" because there will always be room to improve upon the user experience with further testing and increased awareness of best practices in accessibility. However, with a Minimum Viable Product in hand, products and services can be presented for use to the users at this stage!